GP Partners
GP Partner - (Dundee 1996) MBChB GMC 4329680
GP Partner - (Leeds 2002) MBChB, MRCGP (Edinburgh 2008), DRCOG, GMC 6053544
GP Partner - Newcastle MBBS, MRCGP (2013) GMC 6150171
GP Partner - BSc (Hons) Leicester, (Newcastle) MBBS, Dip Med Ed Newcastle MRCGP (2022) GMC 7511351
MBBS(Sri Lanka) 2000, MRCS(Ed) 2006, Dip in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2009, MRCGP 2015 GMC 6072723
Salaried GP
GP Registrars
Advanced Care Practitioners
Apprentice Advanced Care Practitioner
Nurse Practitioners
Nurse Associate
Health Care Assistants
Apprentice Senior Healthcare Assistants
Practice Management
Assistant Practice Manager
Assistant Practice Manager
Estates Manager
Our Administration Team provide a wide range of tasks, within their roles. Their daily roles includes setting up appointments and inviting patients to attend, scanning and coding incoming documents onto patient records, registering new patients, ensuring online access requests are actioned accordingly, ensuring repeat prescription requests and queries are dealt with accurately.
Administration / Coding / Summariser
The secretary team work closely with the clinicians to ensure your referrals are being sent to the most appropriate outside agency (hospital, service etc) and dealt with promptly.
Reception Manager
Our receptionists are here to meet you at reception, answer your telephone calls and confidentially deal with your concerns and queries. Our receptionists have been requested to ask questions to ensure patients are signposted to the most suitable healthcare profession / team at the earliest opportunity. Please be kind to our team when making contact with the Practice.
Primary Care Network (PCN) Pharmacists
Responsible for improving value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. They provide additional help to manage long term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks.
Primary Care Network (PCN) Pharmacy Technicians
They play an essential role in supporting skill mix and enhancing the roles of clinical pharmacists and pharmacy services. They help improve prescribing practice and patient care, repeat prescribing processes, promote digitalisation, reduce medicine waste and minimise clinical risk.
(PCN) Social Prescriber Link Workers (SPLW)
SPLW's help to reduce inequalities by supporting people to unpick complex issues affecting their wellbeing. They enable people to have more control over their lives, develop skills and give their time to others, through involvement in voluntary and community groups. Patient's can be signposted and booked directly from the receptionist.
PCN Mental Health Practitioner (MHP)
MHP's provides assessment, interventions and support for people with mental health issues that can be managed in primary care, from initial presentation and ongoing. MHP assesses via telephone or face to face, and can refer on if patients need to be signposted to another service or resource. Patient's can be signposted and booked directly from the receptionist.
PCN Young People's Mental Health Practitioner
MHP's provides assessment, interventions and support for under 18 year old, with mental health issues that can be managed in primary care, from initial presentation and ongoing. Under 18's can be assessed via telephone or face to face, and can refer on if patients need to be signposted to another service or resource. Patient's can be signposted and booked directly from the receptionist.